Tuesday, May 13, 2014

We Must Be Kind To Ourselves And Others

I read this quote yesterday and it really spoke to me. 

The world we live in is so chaotic and loud. As women, we feel that we have to measure up to standards that are sometimes unrealistic. Because of this, I think we tend to judge ourselves, as well as others, too harshly.

I will be the first to admit that I am not perfect, and I am sure many of you are nodding your heads in agreement. I sometimes expect more from others and I mostly expect more from myself. Don't get me wrong, I definitely want to improve. But I also want to be happy with ME.

From personal experience, when I have heard unkind comments or comments in general that I take personally, I tend to judge. When my feelings have been hurt, I tend to judge. I then have to realize that most of these things are not intentional and the world does not revolve around me. Sometimes these things just happen and there may be something else going on. Same with people who live differently from me. Who am I to judge when they are doing what they feel is right and what is best for them? My job is to love them regardless as well as accept them for who they are!!

We also need to love ourselves. I tend to get upset with myself when things don't work out a certain way or if something doesn't come out the way I wanted it to. I also judge my outward appearance and wish that some things about myself I could change. I have to remember to be gentle with myself and to realize that I am still progressing and learning. I have to remember that there are some things I am very good at and some that I am not. And some things I can try and may never be able to do. And that is ok!! 

Heavenly Father loves each of us unconditionally and perfectly regardless of our faults and flaws. This I know!! He wants to lift us up and wants us to do the same to others.

Isn't life hard enough without judging others as well as ourselves? 

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