Friday, June 20, 2014

We Are Enough

I recently read a conference talk by Linda K. Burton, General Relief Society President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The title of this talk was Wanted: Hands and Hearts to Hasten the Work. 

There was a part of this talk that stood out to me. She talked about how we, as woman, can know our divine heritage. She talked about how in the scriptures, a young man had told Jesus that was keeping the commandments but wanted to know what he was still lacking. Jesus explained to this young man that if he would make himself perfect and "come ad follow me", he would know of the treasures of heaven.

Sister Burton stated that the Greek translation of perfect is "complete". She asked us to not beat ourselves up. 

She then stated:
"As we try our best to move forward along the covenant path, we become more complete and perfect in this life."

I went and read this part quite a few times and it just really stuck with me.

This is something that I have been thinking about quite a bit lately as I have visited with friends and listened to their various trials and things that have been hard for them. I then thought about my trials and different things that I have and am still going through that are hard and challenging.

I will admit that I have felt inadequate, less than perfect, etc., etc. I felt my self-worth depleted at times and that there is no way I can go any further. I have felt that no matter what I do, nothing will ever be good enough. No matter how hard I try, there will never be a difference.

But then I think about this talk and Sister Burton's wise words. And when I think of these words, I realize that I am still striving to perfection/"completion". It jut takes time.

We, as women, tend to be too hard on ourselves. Some of us are single, married, childless, stay at home mothers, working mothers, etc., etc. We are all in different stages in our lives. Yet, we tend to not only put ourselves down, but we compare ourselves to each other. 

We need to remember that what we are doing now is enough. We ARE enough!!! We are all doing the best we can with what we have.

As someone who has always dreamed of being a mother and a stay at home mom, my life has obviously gone down a different path. I used to feel that I was not good enough and that I didn't "fit in", so to speak. After doing a lot of soul searching and prayer, I realized that I am enough. I am who I am and I am striving to live my life to the best of my ability. I offer as much as I can and realize that what I am able to offer is enough. I have realized that as long as I do my best, I will still be blessed. I will become more complete.

So.....I challenge all who read this to look in the mirror and say to yourself, "I am doing the best I can and I am enough." Let's love ourselves and others a little bit better!!

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