Monday, November 30, 2009

New Moon Weekend

So....on November 20th was when New Moon was released. For those of you who know me well, I am obsessed with Twilight and have been anticipating this movie release for quite some time. Even though this wasn't my favorite book out of the series, it was a much better movie then the first time.

I has 48 hours full of New Moon. Like I said......OBSESSED. On Thursday, the 19th, I was lucky enough to get tickets to a pre-screening of the movie. My friend Jamie got them from work and couldn't use them. I am forever in her debt. So on the 19th at 5:30 PM, I took my cute niece, Britney to see it. We really had alot of fun. I think she really enjoyed watching Jacob. He is pretty cute. Then that night at midnight, I went to another showing with my friend, Amber. Her and I had alot of fun. The theater we went to did theme rooms and we were in a Jacob room. However, there were so many people there that it was kind of tense. My third showing was on the 20th at 9:40 PM. I went with my friends, Jamie, Dawnita, and Jen. We went to Red Robin for dinner and had a really good time visiting. I sat by Dawnita during the movie and listened to her running commentary. Usually this would have bugged me, but she was saying all the same things I was thinking and it was really funny to listen. Although, I had already seen the movie a couple of time's so it didn't ruin it for me. I will even admit that I screamed when Edward came out and my cute friends thought that was pretty funny. It was quite a fun weekend.

At the Red Robin they had stand-up's of some of the character's and I had to have my picture taken with Edward. I am also a teensy obsessed over Edward.
To end my fun weekend, Jamie and I went to a showing of Planet 51. Cute movie, by the way. And when they were starting the movie, the actually started New Moon. Jamie thought it was maybe the preview but I knew they had made a mistake. I just started laughing because although I wouldn't have minded seeing it again, I was a little New Mooned out for awhile. They finally started the correct movie. What a weekend!!! I really have some great friends to share those fun time's with.

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