Friday, November 11, 2016

The Candidate I Voted For Won: So Why Am I Heartbroken

Yes. I just admitted to voting for Donald Trump. I know some who will read this will be disappointed and upset. I just want to say, that if anyone I know reads this and decides they can no longer be my friend, I will be sad, but I will also respect your decision. Why? Because I believe that everyone should be true to themselves and what they believe in.

I have really debated writing this post. But the more I have thought about my feelings and what I have witnessed since the election, I feel very impressed that I need to share my feelings. I don't expect to turn hearts or ideals. I don't even expect anyone to really read this. Maybe I'm mostly writing this for myself and writing it out in paper would give me writer's cramp.

When I received my ballot in the mail, I could not believe how many people were running for President of the United States. I only knew of four of them! So I sat down, researched each candidate and their platform, and then really prayed about who I should vote for. I wanted to vote for someone, yet not feel like I had compromised my conscious nor my convictions. After a lot of thought, I chose the candidate that I felt in my mind would be best for out country. candidate won! I should be happy, right? I'm actually very heartbroken. And not for the reasons you think. I still stand by my decision just as I would expect anyone who voted for someone else would stand by theirs.

I am heartbroken because of the hate, bigotry, ugliness, etc. that has been spewed all over social media. The bullying and unkind words and actions towards our fellow Americans. 

I am disappointed in the college and high school students who have decided to stage walkouts and request that exams and tests be postponed because the candidate they didn't want, won.

The thousands of protestors blocking traffic that prevents others from getting where they need to be. What if there was a medical emergency and the first responders couldn't get to that emergency?

The burning of our American flag which shows complete disrespect to the men and women who have sacrificed their lives so that flag can wave.

Young children bullying their classmates and spewing out hateful and racist comments.

People saying they will move out of the of country or states saying they will separate themselves from the United States in protest.

Families and friends attacking each other because of their political belief.

Don't get me wrong.......I am in full favor of freedom of speech. Everyone has the right to speak up for themselves and stand up for what they believe in. However, that does not make any of us immune from the consequences. And I know that people are upset and frustrated with the outcome. But all of the above does not accomplish anything!!! It just causes more hate and hurt. You know the expression "You can draw more flies with honey than with vinegar"? I'm pretty sure that rings true today.

All of this hate makes me think of the wars of our country where it was father against son, brother against brother, friend against friend. Haven't we come a long way to live in a country of tolerance and acceptance only to go backwards???

Now I know our country isn't perfect and we, as a society, are still learning on how to work together and we still have a lot of changes to make. But OUR actions are what is putting our country in reverse. OUR actions as American citizens says more about our character than who we voted for. Everyone deserves to be treated justly and fairly. But we have got to stop blaming the government and establishment for the reason's we act the way we do.

We do not have control over who our President is. But we do have control over how WE will handle the outcome individually and as a society. We can either add to the problems in our country or we can work together and find ways to help solve the problems we have. And maybe my thoughts are naive, but the hate isn't working. Hate is only breeding more hate. And honestly, this hate is coming from both sides of the coin.

In a time of turmoil and contention, WE need to find a way to be kinder and more compassionate with each other. WE need to find a reason for hope. WE need to pray for our new president-elect that he will be up to the challenge and make our country great. Wouldn't we want to do the same thing if Hillary had won? Or anyone else?

Facebook has become a place where everyone is posting why their candidate is better and why the other candidate is bad. It's become a place where people are judgemental and accusing others of racism and hate and bigotry. Again, I truly believe the way we treat others says more about our character than anything else.

So this is my plea and my prayer......That we can all learn to be a little more kinder and compassionate to our families, friends, neighbors, and communities. That we can find a way to work together. That we can find a way to have civilized and respectful disagreements and arguments. That we can find a way to still accept and love each other despite our beliefs and values. 


United we stand; divided we fall.

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